new year, new blog

i’m going to close down the wordpress blog…i made the bold move to blogger.
so you can now visit us at
i know i’ve been pretty slack about posting but i hope to improve on that this year with more regular posts and lots more photos.

goodbye wordpress…it was fun.


guess what? two our of best friends are married to one another. they also happen to have birthdays less than a week apart.

this was a sacrifice for natasha. she is not a birthday sharer. scott is just old and he probably doesn’t care about his birthdays anymore. just kidding. even old people like birthdays.
so scott was one of the first people i met when i moved to nc. at that time, i hated everything about nc, including all its inhabitants. lucky for scott that he is from illinois. i remember him as being the first person to remember my name and the first person to ever speak to me first.

he became one of my most beloved and closest friends and i feel so lucky to know him. then natasha joined the mix. we were all friends in our little circle and hung out all the time. i would tell natasha and scott’s love story but it took like 5 years to unfold. so i’ll let them post their story on their blog. anyway. natasha and i also became very close friends…which incidentally had little to do with scott. i was a bridesmaid in their wedding. i cried buckets.

i mean seriously. who gets lucky enough to have their best friends marry each other thereby cementing the friend circle? am i right?

then i brought G into the mix and i knew he was a good one because important people like scott and natasha really liked him. the picture is from our wedding. natasha was a bridesmaid (except the married version, whatver that’s called) and scott (along with G’s dad) married us.

and now they’re expecting a BABY and i’m waiting to become an honorary aunt-type person.

anyway…back to the original intent of this post. last week was scott’s birthday and this week was natasha’s birthday. and we really love them and want to wish them many happy years together.

happy birthday to scott!

happy birthday to natasha!!

we’re so glad to be your friends!!!

i’m still alive

i’m still here.

the reasons i haven’t posted in several weeks:
-i only take pictures of my cat.
-i am seriously considering a move to blogger
-life has been busy but not in an exciting way

between work, G playing softball, and no time to edit photos…i pretty much spend my moments of free time watching parenthood, bones, and whatever reality tv show might be on at the moment.

ps. if anyone feels like weighing in on the whole blogger vs. wordpress debate please share. i just feel like blogger would be more user friendly for a computer-idiot such as myself.

i’ll be back with pictures soon!

baby panther


poor C is finally free of his cone today. he had a little bum issue last week and has been rocking the doggie cone. i hear it’s very in this fall.

meanwhile a certain baby panther aka james the kitty has been on the prowl.

our baby panther is so smart. she broke C out of jail one day. unzipped the zipper and freed him. he was stoked.

with her prey. the hot pink mouse lasted longer than all the other colors. i think she did it on purpose to spite me because i do not heart pink.

james the kitty.

james the baby panther.

this would be the man who swears he doesn’t like cats. look at that face. he’s totally caught kitty fever.

once in a blue moon


on august 31, 2012 baby H made her grand debut.
she’s healthy and cute and we’re all already obsessed with her.
G is already the very proud uncle.
we love you, baby H! we are so happy you are here safe and sound. you have the longest baby toes we’ve ever seen and we love that you came with little hairs on the top of your head. we hope you grow up to follow Jesus wherever he takes you. and we’re so lucky to be your aunt and uncle and give you many snuggles.

what’s going on

a brief life update and a promise for pictures soon.

right now my husband’s entire family is waiting with bated breath for the grand arrival of baby H. my sis-in-law is like a super star working right up until go-time. you can feel free to pray for her and baby H.

but seriously. what is it with everyone and baby fever? please. i cannot even handle that right now. i don’t have baby fever. does this make me a bad person?

yesterday we heard a really awesome sermon about “true religion“. and it has made me think about all the things i do and think out of plain old religion that just don’t matter. God desires my honesty more than my rituals. this is for realsss. also, i learned my pastor totally steals jokes from this guy.

i’ve been really struggling lately with work. i stay away from this topic on the blog for a reason. because it’s unprofessional. but just so you don’t think my life is all flowers and sunshine. work has been tough.

there are zero eggs in my house and i have been craving eggs like a crazy person. proof that i’d never make it as a vegan? somebody buy me a dozen eggs!

i have not touched my camera in over a week. it’s like a crime. i promise i will pick it up soon and take pictures of something glorious. like my cat. ha!

personal space


, ,

G said not to blog about this topic. but i just can’t help myself. awhile ago i read this article discussing peeing in front of your significant other.

this is a big heck to the no for me.

potty time is private time. thankyouverymuch.

Source: via Shelby on Pinterest

but some people think potty time is public time. at least to your significant other. while others open it up to children. other relatives. and even friends.

i shudder at the thought.

i mean as my friend, do you want to watch me pee? and if you do, maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore. am i right?

G thinks if you’re married that sharing potty time is not that big of a deal. maybe it’s a man thing? i don’t know.

what do you think? private or not? would you pee in front of your significant other?




we decided to take a quick trip this weekend to the ATL to watch some baseball. G loves the Braves. i love the phillies. we live in NC where phillies games are never televised. lame, right?

random building we thought looked


G’s game face.


Turner Field.

a pop up thunderstorm almost ruined our fun. almost.


thanks for a good time, Atlanta. we really enjoyed the view.

our spot

after the baby shower, G took me on a romantic little date up to Boone to watch the meteor shower. i hope we always date each other like this. i promise i will never get tired of him surprising me with sweet ideas like this.G called this a “bachelor group”. it means a bunch of dude deer that hang out together.this is our spot. apparently, everyone else on the parkway also thought this was their spot. but really it’s ours.G took this shot. this is the bit of pavement where G the end the clouds kind of took over. but we saw many meteors and falling stars flash across the sky. it was a great day with my sweetie and i hope that i always cherish the little things like this.